Bing has offered access to a collection of webmaster tools to users, in much the same way as Google, for a long time. Recently, they introduced a few new features known as the SEO Analyzer and SEO Reports. Many webmasters like these new tools, and they provide site owners with a way to see what they’re doing right in this area.

SEO Reports
Every other week, Bing will automatically run a scan of all of the different pages on your site. In your webmaster tools account, you’ll be able to gain access to these reports. The reports will tell you which pages are doing well, and which ones have some problem areas to be concerned with. If you see a URL that has been flagged as one with a problem, you can then click on that URL and get more detailed information.
SEO Analyzer
When you click on one of the URL’s in the SEO Report, you’ll be taken to the SEO Analyzer. This is a tool that provides you with a little bit more in depth analysis of what is going on with your page. The SEO Analyzer looks at 15 different areas that pertain to search engine optimization, according to Bing.
The tool looks at your page and compares it to the 15 best practices that Bing has identified. It checks to see if your page is in compliance with all 15 of these areas. If one area is out of line, you’ll be able to see it as part of the analyzer. This gives you some very valuable feedback that you can use to change the content of your page.
You also have the option of going straight to the SEO Analyzer and manually entering any page to analyze it. If you want to check a particular page on your site without looking at the comprehensive report, you can just type in the URL of the page you want to check out. It will then run an analysis on the fly, so that you can get real-time information about your page. This makes it possible for you to get information about your pages more frequently than once every two weeks.
When you see something in the report, you can click on it to get more detailed information about that area. This will give you the information that you need to change your pages and start ranking higher in the search engines.

SEO Reports
Every other week, Bing will automatically run a scan of all of the different pages on your site. In your webmaster tools account, you’ll be able to gain access to these reports. The reports will tell you which pages are doing well, and which ones have some problem areas to be concerned with. If you see a URL that has been flagged as one with a problem, you can then click on that URL and get more detailed information.
SEO Analyzer
When you click on one of the URL’s in the SEO Report, you’ll be taken to the SEO Analyzer. This is a tool that provides you with a little bit more in depth analysis of what is going on with your page. The SEO Analyzer looks at 15 different areas that pertain to search engine optimization, according to Bing.
The tool looks at your page and compares it to the 15 best practices that Bing has identified. It checks to see if your page is in compliance with all 15 of these areas. If one area is out of line, you’ll be able to see it as part of the analyzer. This gives you some very valuable feedback that you can use to change the content of your page.
You also have the option of going straight to the SEO Analyzer and manually entering any page to analyze it. If you want to check a particular page on your site without looking at the comprehensive report, you can just type in the URL of the page you want to check out. It will then run an analysis on the fly, so that you can get real-time information about your page. This makes it possible for you to get information about your pages more frequently than once every two weeks.
When you see something in the report, you can click on it to get more detailed information about that area. This will give you the information that you need to change your pages and start ranking higher in the search engines.