Businesses, and even consultants, often do more damage than good when it comes to search engine optimization (SEO). Google's search algorithm is constantly evolving and getting better at what I call "SEO detection" -- the ability to detect artificial backlinks and attempts to manipulate your website to rank better.

In a lot of ways, what worked a decade ago for SEO still applies today. But intentional SEO -- such as over optimizing your website, too many backlinks with keyword anchor text, lack of diversified backlinks and other tactics -- can actually get you in trouble with the search engines. Google can distinguish, for the most part, what's natural and what's not.

One thing to remember is that Google likes sites and content that other people enjoy, find useful and share with others. When was the last time you shared a site that felt like spam or had little content on it?

Here are four tips that can help improve your website's SEO, without doing any SEO:

1. Create killer content. Just because you offer a service or are an expert in a particular industry doesn't mean your website deserves to rank on the first page for your particular set of keywords. What ranks is quality content and resources that people find useful and want to share.

As a business owner, your time and money is best spent on generating original, useful content for your site. Try to post a new piece at least once a week, if not three times a week. Google loves fresh, original content.

2. Include your keywords in your articles and titles. Let's say you're a manufacturer of solar panels and one of your keyword phrases is "solar panel manufacturer." You'd want to write an article on what to look for when seeking a solar panel manufacturer, and work that phrase into the headline. This isn't SEO rocket science. It's about properly labeling your online content.

3. Incorporate social media share buttons on your site. Increasingly, social signals are being taken into account by search algorithms. Why? Because people share content that's worthwhile. Having social media buttons allows your online visitors to share your website and its content.

You'll also want to incentive people to share. Host a contest or product giveaway to get people tweeting and sharing your website URL.

4. Offer expert advice on other websites. Most blogs, magazines and news sites welcome content submissions. Offer to contribute an article or post explaining something related to what you do. These sites often receive a lot of submissions, so make sure that yours is authentic and informational.

Not only can contributing to other sites help generate awareness about your brand, it's an effective way to getting high quality, non-spammy links back to your site. If you do it right and people like what you write, this can help establish you as an industry expert as well.

Spiffing Up Your Search Results Page

Posted by myseoin Wednesday, November 7, 2012 0 comments

You’ll notice a new simpler, cleaner design on the search results page - we’ve been working on ways to create a consistent search experience across the wide variety of devices and screen sizes people use today. We started with tablets last year, got it to mobile phones a few weeks ago, and are now rolling out to the desktop.
With the new design, there’s a bit more breathing room, and more focus on the answers you’re looking for, whether from web results or from a feature like the Knowledge Graph:

The same advanced tools you’re used to are still there when you need them. Just click on “Search tools” to filter or drill down on your results:

It’s going out to users in the U.S. to start, and we want to get it to users in other languages and regions as soon as we can. We hope you enjoy this design refresh.

Best SEO Companies for November 2012

Posted by myseoin Monday, November 5, 2012 0 comments

The independent authority on Search vendors in Australia,, has released their list of the thirty best SEO Companies in the Search marketing industry. Each of the companies named in the rankings have been through a meticulous evaluation of their organic optimization services focusing on five areas of evaluation. The strengths and competitive advantages of the companies included in the evaluations are compared in order to generate the list for each month.

The Managing Partner of, Jeev Trika, explains “we often times talk to the clients of the agencies. We address how much needs analysis was performed by the agency prior to any work being conducted, the quality of keyword analysis carried out, and both the on page and off page optimization strategies implemented by the agency.”

The Top 30 SEO Companies in Australia for November 2012 are:
  2. Mercurian Media
  3. Web Profits
  4. QuantumLinx Pty Ltd
  5. Dejan SEO
  6. DGM Australia
  7. Acidgreen
  8. Salsa Digital
  9. Corporate SEO Services Australia
  10. WebSight Australia
  11. SEO Company Sydney
  12. Rotapix Interactive Media
  13. Sigma InfoTech
  14. TopRankings
  15. Search Engine Experts Pty Ltd
  16. Arrow Internet Marketing
  17. Move Ahead Media
  18. Web Marketing Experts
  19. Pty Ltd
  20. Rank First
  21. Net Starter
  22. RedFly Marketing
  23. E-Web Marketing
  24. SEO Works
  25. Exa Web Solutions
  27. HGWS Digital Media
  28. Amplify
  29. Mitash - Results Driven Interactive Agency
  30. Clear Light Digital
The process for evaluating and ranking the best SEO Companies in Australia involves the use of a set of evaluation criteria, at least three customer references, and the use of various industry resources for information and research. The five areas identified to be critical for SEO services include on page optimization, off page optimization, needs analysis, keyword analysis, and reporting methods. In addition, customers of SEO services are asked their opinions on the service provider and about their online marketing initiatives in general.